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JaWiki (в дальнешем Явики) — это вики-база знаний о [[Jabber]]/[[XMPP]], работающая на движке [http://www.mediawiki.org/ MediaWiki].
byBnbyB0aHJvdWdoIHdoYXQgbXkgbW9tIGFuZCBkYWQgaGF2ZSBnb25lIHRocm91Z2guIE15IDc0 <a href=http://www.ghg-composants.fr/>louboutin pas cher</a> Four companies bid on the tender: Chinese firms CNR and CSR, French multinational Alstom, and Bombardier. In recent months, CNR and CSR merged, leading Bombardier and Alstom to threaten legal action if the Chinese bids weren't disqualified and they were. l <a href=http://www.mileas.fr/>louboutin pas cher</a>
I鈥檝e only ever cried once and that was when became I became separated. <a href=http://www.ghg-composants.fr/>louboutin homme pas cher</a> Oil price decline to lose Yemen $ 0.5 bln, official <>7/February/2015] SANA'A, Feb. 07 (Saba) - The State budget will lose about $ 359 million this year if the oil price was $ 65 a barrel, and if it dropped to $ 50 per barrel, the total loss of Yemen will be nearly $ 504 million, Undersecretary of Finance Ministry Ahmed Hajar said.The government's share of crude oil is estimated at 38 million barrels in 2015, Hajar explained during a seminar organized on Saturday by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry the capital Sana'a in cooperation with the Economic Observatory for Studies and Consultations on the effects of lower oil prices on the Yemeni economy and the government budget.The total oil production is expected to reach 169 thousand barrels per day and the natural gas production to 167 thousand barrels a day, Hajar added.Hassan al-Kaboos, head of the chamber of commerce and industry in the capital Sana'a, affirmed the importance of the seminar in clarifying the direct and indirect effects of lower oil prices on the national economy.Al-Kaboos pointed to the significance of oil and its derivatives for industry, agriculture, commerce and all areas of the modern economy as an essential and assistant factor in all these activities.BASaba
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Beaty is also starring here in Kate Hennig's "The Last Wife," a world premiere about Katherine Parr, Henry VIII's sixth wife. It was just beginning previews as I was leaving, ahead of an August 14 opening. Having watched Beaty play Goldsmith's Kate, I was very sorry to miss it. <a href=http://www.dj-animateur-manche.fr/>nike tn requin pas cher</a> Disclaimer: Comments submitted by third parties on this site are the sole responsibility of the individual(s) whose content is submitted. The Daily Star accepts no responsibility for the content of comment(s), including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy therein. Please note that your email address will NOT appear on the site.  
Iran reunited with Egypt in 2011 following the Arab Spring. The newly-democratically elected President Mohammed Morsi visited Iran in August 2012. <a href=http://www.musicales-boffres.fr/>tn pas cher</a> Lynden Sculpture Garden:Harry Peg Bradley's Backyard Barbecue, 5-8 p.m. Aug. 20. $75 per person/$175 per family. 2145 W. Brown Deer Road, (414) 446-8794; www.lyndensculpturegarden.org/
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Было бы неплохо, если бы вы указали [[WritersRoles|свои преференции]] по области, в которой желаете черкнуть пару-тройку строк. Для более продуктивной работы, рекомендуем также ознакомиться с [[JaWiKi:Advices|советами по работе с Явики]].
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* [[Links|Другие]] wiki-системы и ресурсы о Jabber.
* [[JaWiki:4Writers|Дополнительная]] информация о Явики. Всем авторам необходимо ознакомиться.
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