Clients Statistics
From JaWiki (Jabber/XMPP wiki)
Revision as of 16:30, 22 March 2010 by Leksey (Talk | contribs) (New page: == 2009 == 1250 users were online on the Apinc Jabber server when I ran the poll, and 1192 clients answered. This year, I’ve also used Disco to poll the clients, allowing to detect Tele...)
1250 users were online on the Apinc Jabber server when I ran the poll, and 1192 clients answered. This year, I’ve also used Disco to poll the clients, allowing to detect Telepathy (thanks Sjoerd for the tip!).
- Pidgin 43% (2008: 27%)
- Gajim 19% (2008: 20%)
- Psi 9% (2008: 16%)
- Kopete 7% (2008: 14%)
- Adium 5% (2008: 6%)
- BitlBee 2% (2008: <=2%)
- Telepathy 2% (2008 unknown)
- Other clients with less than 2%: iChat, Pandion, Miranda, mcabber, Smack, meebo, Trillian. All other clients had less than 5 users online. 2007 год
Статистика собрана 6 июля 2007 года, с 15.00 до 16.00 часов В онлайне было 4639 пользователя. Популярные клиенты 1. 1223 (25%) Miranda 2. 1126 (24%) Psi 3. 656 (14%) Bombus